President Lincoln II Plus (V3) 10 and 12 Meter Ham Radio Review

President Lincoln II Plus (V3) 10 and 12 Meter Ham Radio

  • Same as LINCOLN II but 12 meter band added, key “CH19/9” replaced by “Emergency Channel 1 and 2” programmable by user; HF output power 35W PEP SSB instead of 31W PEP SSB, 35W FM instead of 28W; AM is same 12W RMS 48WPEP.
  • Rotary switch and Up/down channel selector; Volume adjustment and ON/OFF; Manual squelch and ASC; RF Power; MENU function key; Dim; Mode switch AM/FM/LSB/USB/CW.
  • VFO Mode w/ continuous scanning; Multi-functions LCD display; Frequencies display; S-meter; Channels and memories scan; 6 Memories; CTCSS (38 tones); DCS (104 codes).
  • Public Address; Vox function (hands-free); ANL filter, NB and HI-CUT; RF Gain / Mic gain; Clarifier; Roger Beep; Front microphone plug; External loudspeaker jack.
  • Dual watch; Key locking; SWR (Power Reading/SWR); Preset emergency (EMG 1/2); TOT (Time Out Timer) adjustable.

Dual Band All-Mode HF Transceiver. 10 and 12 Meters, Split Freq capability, PL and DPL ( ctcss / dcs ), Mic Gain, RF Gain, Scan Mem and more! AM/USB/LSB/FM/CW . Requires Hookup to 12Vdc and Optional Antenna. Includes microphone and mounting bracket.

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